Find Us!

    As we branch out, keep an eye out! We are looking to expand our social media influence, so that we may keep you updated with everything Shards related. If you would like to know more about us, feel free to look up any of us as individuals on Facebook. Alternatively, if you are a fellow student, you can inquire there about the University of Maryland, Baltimore County Game Developers Club. In any case, we thank you for your interest and hope to see you all again soon.

  • Click here to see our facebook page.
  • See the latest news on Twitter.
  • More Coming Soon!

Last, but not least, feel free to contact us at any time! Be sure to leave your name and interests in your message, as we are currently looking for anyone who would like to recieve updates, be a part of beta testing, and more. Also, if you have questions or comments, please let us know your thoughts. We look forward to hearing from you!